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Preparing for a local or long-distance move takes careful planning and proper budgeting. Many moving expenses are obvious, while others are unexpected or easy to overlook. To make your move less stressful, we put together a list of six unexpected moving costs to include in your budget.

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As with any industry or product, reviews are an integral part of the decision-making and buying process. Whether you are shopping for a product or service, we all are influenced by customer reviews and actively read them when researching potential options.

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Moving with kids can be challenging. Chances are you have a few extra hands excited to help with packing, but that doesn’t necessarily mean they are going to help you get done faster.

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When it comes to packing and labeling boxes, the more detailed you are, the better. Often you think you’ll remember what you packed, but after you labeled ten boxes with kitchen, it all starts to run together.

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Moving day. The one day that people either are excited about or greatly dread. It is a significant change that prompts weeks or months of planning to be ready for the movers. As D-Day approaches, the stress of the move starts to loom, and a million different what-if scenarios go through your head.

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So, you are moving soon! A new adventure awaits, but first, you must pack everything up and get ready to go. As you start the packing process, you may realize you have a significant amount of perishable and non-perishable food you need to consume before your move.

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You get what you pay for could not be more true when hiring a moving company. Professional movers can get pricey, but you are paying for their expertise, customer support, and quality fleet. Keeping moving costs down entails more than finding free boxes.

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The week before and after moving day is typically stressful. Your items are in boxes, you are living with the barebone essentials, and the days are long while you pack or unpack. While ordering out is a simple and easy solution, it can get tiresome if you are doing it day after day.

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Preparing for a move can be stressful and figuring out where to start is the hardest part. Most of the moving preparation is focused on getting everything packed up and ready for the movers that some unpacking essentials get thrown in boxes.

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Planning and preparing for an office relocation can be an overwhelming and daunting task. Today, more than ever, the office workspace is changing.

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