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Job hunting is difficult. No matter what your level of education is or what department you work in, there are plenty of obstacles to overcome in the job hunting process. Looking for jobs in another city can be even more of a challenge.

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Many people don’t get excited about moving to the heartland.  When you hear Nebraska, most people envision corn stalks waving in the breeze. While they have the nickname the Cornhusker State, that is not all that is in this great state.

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Summertime is known for heat and humidity, even in Omaha. When temperatures creep up toward the 90s and 100s, it is hard to get some relief. The park districts in Omaha have developed little oases to help you cool off in the summer heat.

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You’re driving around your new town…your spouse is sitting next to you. They are trying to help you navigate the city and then you begin to experience communication issues. Suddenly, their instructions seem to be more confusing than helpful.

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Among the cornfields of Nebraska rises a gem. Omaha seems to have grown right out of the plains. This city may not be a known tourist attraction, but there is a lot more to it than what meets the eye.

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